What is the difference between compression stockings and compression calf sleeves?
Compression calf sleeves are simply a support stocking or compression stocking without a foot. There are many different reasons to choose one or the other, but it mainly comes down to what you find most comfortable. Both a compression stocking and a compression calf sleeve give you the benefits of compression, such as improved blood circulation, less swelling and faster recovery from activity.
What are the benefits of using compression calf sleeves?
The big difference is that with a pair of socks you get the compression pressure already from the bottom of your foot. This can be good if your feet swell easily and you wear compression socks for that very reason. With a pair of compression sleeves, however, you have a completely different flexibility with your choice of socks. On warm days you can go barefoot, if you want to wear thin socks when running you can wear them and if you are hiking for a day, for example, you can use a pair of thicker wool socks and at the same time always have the help of the compression from the calf sleeve. Many people prefer calf sleeves instead of socks because a sleeve does not need to be washed as often as a whole sock. The choice of compression socks or calf sleeves with compression is therefore very individual and varies depending on your needs!