Start trail running - Trail running for beginners. Interview with Team Nordic Trail

Börja springa trail – Traillöpning för nybörjare. Intervju med Team Nordic Trail

Running in nature is becoming increasingly popular and many people enjoy the variety they get from off-road running instead of running on paved roads. Trail running - or trail running - is growing in Sweden. There are now running groups around the country for those who want to develop their running technique and run with others. Trail running means that you run on nature trails in the forest, on the mountains or in the mountains and can be done individually or in a group.

Gococo had a chat with Miranda Kvist – CEO and founder of Team Nordic Trail. We talked about how it all started, Miranda’s joy and passion for trail running, and her best tips for trail running for beginners.

The asphalt runner who got hooked on trail running

Miranda radiates joy and energy from the first second of the interview. It is clear that she has a passion for running in nature and wants to share it with others. Miranda was previously an experienced asphalt runner, but a runner's knee put an end to this type of running and she discovered that running in the forest was gentler on the knee.

– At the same time, I had the opportunity to run a mountain race, and there were so many things that took me by storm, such as everyone being much more relaxed about the performance. It wasn't just about times and pace. I ran the mountain race, and there were blue skies, mountain peaks and wild horses. It wasn't just a race - it was something bigger! says Miranda.

It was those pieces of the puzzle that led her to start her first running group. Miranda simply wanted others to discover the same thing she did. At that time, running groups didn't exist in the same way they do today, and what she wanted most was someone to run with every week. The first session at Team Nordic Trail saw the light of day in 2013.

– I had no ambition that it would become my livelihood or business - having employees and all that. It was a hobby project that completely went off the rails, she says with a laugh.

Today, Team Nordic Trail is far from a hobby project, with 300 coaches trained annually and running groups in 50 locations around Sweden and 15 groups in Finland. Miranda hired staff back in 2015, and now ten years later she still finds it just as fun to run the company.

Running groups for everyone – beginners to experienced trail runners

The basic principle of all their running groups is that they do one hour of trail running per week, with a weekly theme. The theme can be long intervals, short intervals, hills or something else that the coach has planned. The running groups are for everyone, and they also have beginner groups every spring and fall.

No two sessions are the same, but the training focuses on community, the experience and having fun, says Miranda.

– With us you meet new running buddies and really make new friends! We have a big focus on the whole social aspect. Some running groups also run after work, so-called after runs. We have noticed an increased need for the social aspect now that many people are working from home. To be able to come to training where people know your name, and where you have running buddies.

They also arrange running trips, for example to the Swedish mountains and the Alps. The focus of the trips is not performance-oriented, and there are trips for all levels of runners. Team Nordic Trail also organizes running competitions such as EcoTrail Stockholm with distances from 8 km to 80 km. Everyone should be able to join, and it is fine to go along whether you want to train for a marathon or run just for fun, she says.

The allure of trail running

Something that Miranda returns to several times during the interview is how much focus there is on the experience rather than performance when it comes to trail running. What is the great appeal of trail running, we wonder.

– The appeal is more about the fact that trail running is a kind of mentality. Asphalt running is much more performance-oriented, while trail running is more experience-focused. Of course, you can run trail even if you are performance-oriented – and vice versa. Of course, you can run calmly on asphalt, but generally it is a different kind of mentality in trail running, says Miranda.

In the forest, it is not as important to stare blindly at kilometer times because the times depend on where you run. The running becomes relaxed and more experience-focused. The training does not become worse just because you run in the forest, quite the opposite! You get variety and are forced to connect several different muscle groups when you run uphill, downhill or suddenly have to duck for a branch.

– The big difference is above all the variation in the surface and the variation in the hills – it goes uphill, downhill and you don't have to stand and wait for cars to pass, she says with a laugh.

It's a completely different type of technique because you have branches, roots and puddles. When you're not staring at kilometer times, it's a lot more fun, she continues. Below are Miranda's top tips for beginners in trail running.

7 tips for those of you who are new to trail running:

1. Don't complicate things too much - dare to try. Start by going to the nearest trail center and running on a well-marked route. Some beginners may be worried about running far out into the forest, and afraid of not finding their way back. With a marked route in the forest, you get to know the dirt road and the hills. The next step is to dare to leave the dirt road. For example, if there is a mountain bike track or similar to try your hand at something more hilly, with roots and challenging terrain.

2. Running technique. Consider running with short steps as a beginner, where the step is taken a little more under the body. If you take very long steps as a beginner, you risk putting your foot on an uneven surface. This increases the risk of spraining your foot or ending up unbalanced. Shorten your steps, use quick feet and dare to have fun when you jump over branches and roots.

3. Equipment. Bring warm clothing and a cell phone. When you run into the forest, you will be further from civilization. Therefore, bring a cell phone and a windbreaker, which you as a trail runner should always have with you. That way, you might dare to run a little further away and try to locate yourself back.

4. Train for specific disciplines.
Challenge yourself to do hill passes. If you want to become a better trail runner and find hills fun, you should practice them. Vary your hill training; run slowly uphill and faster downhill – or vice versa. Dare to try different tempos in different hilly terrain.

5. Run in a group. For those of you who don't like running alone in the woods, trail running in a group is an incredibly good way to get outside. Many people don't want to run in the woods when it's dark, but we don't let the darkness limit us. Running year-round makes running so much more fun. You get challenges with the different seasons: sometimes it's muggy, other times snowy, or dry and hot. You get to experience the seasons on a completely different level.

6. Socks and shoes. Wear functional socks. Today there are special trail socks that are adapted for tough conditions in wet terrain. Wear real trail running shoes. It may sound like a lot to invest in a pair of trail shoes as a beginner, but running will be 1000 times more fun! Trail shoes have good grip, are made for running on wet and slippery surfaces, which makes you safer. They are also made not to collect moisture. Regular running shoes for asphalt can get wet and heavy, but trail shoes let the moisture out.

7. Running fun is promised! Dare to try running in the forest – it's not difficult to run a trail. Everyone can join!

Gococo thanks Miranda for the interview and all the good tips for trail running for beginners. Team Nordic Trail and Gococo are partners, which is the perfect match. Team Nordic Trail are experts in trail running and Gococo are experts in, and have developed, trail running socks for running in terrain.

Do you want to know more about trail running and our unique trail running socks?
Read our previous article about trail socks here!