Running training for those who want to develop their running technique - interview with Runacademy

Löpträning för dig som vill utveckla löptekniken – intervju med Runacademy

Running is a popular form of exercise and can be done by anyone, whether you run as an everyday exercise or for a marathon. Exercising outdoors also has health-promoting effects on both body and mind. It's easy to get started with running training and all you really need is a pair of running shoes.

To get the most out of your running and develop as a runner, however, there are a few things to keep in mind. Gococo met Johanna Bäcklund at Runacademy to talk running and running technique. Johanna is one of Sweden's best runners with solid credentials in the sport of running. Since 2015, she has been responsible for the running groups and the daily operations at Runacademy. Here she shares her best tips on how to set up your running training and develop your running technique.

Purpose: to teach running and running technique

Runacademy was founded by Petra Kindlund and she started the first session in 2013 on Södermalm in Stockholm. Today, ten years later, they have 110 running groups in total – 108 physical groups around Sweden, one on Åland and one online. In addition, they arrange courses in running technique, running trips and other running activities. It is no exaggeration to say that Runacademy knows running! When Gococo meets Johanna, she tells how it all started.

– Petra had already decided from the start that it would be called Runacademy. She didn't want the running groups to just focus on running, but that you would learn, that the groups would have a purpose. That's where the name academy came into play, says Johanna.

The purpose of Runacademy is to teach running and running technique. Many people think that it's just a matter of putting on a pair of 10-year-old running shoes and going out. Ideally 5 km straight away, as fast as possible with a taste of blood in your mouth as a result. The risk is that you will never want to run again, and running will be a bad one-off experience.

– Runacademy wants you to have a more enjoyable running experience. For example, we have beginner groups where you start gently and alternate walking with jogging. Even if your location doesn't have beginner groups, we have a beginner program so that all sessions can be adapted to you as a beginner.

They usually work with different types of intervals in their running sessions. It can be long intervals, short intervals, hills, trail running in the forest or on the athletics track. Runacademy also has distance training on some extra sessions.

We wonder if the interest in running has changed in the 10 years they have been around. Johanna says that it goes up and down, but that interest increased significantly during the pandemic. Since running is an outdoor sport, they were able to continue having running groups throughout the pandemic, with reduced group sizes. It became an important social factor for their members to be able to see each other and run every week.

Benefits of running in a group

  • Scheduled times. You have a fixed time - it will be easier to get to the training sessions.
  • Social interaction. You meet fellow runners and make new friends!
  • Development. You can encourage each other when you train with like-minded people.
  • It's more fun to run with others!

Tips on how to improve your running

There are a few things you should keep in mind to develop as a runner. Running at least two days a week, but preferably three, is a tip. Running technique is another important factor and something you should work on regularly to minimize the risk of injury and develop as a runner. We ask Johanna for some tips regarding running training and running technique.

How should I train for running as a beginner or an experienced runner?

– Everyone gets better from interval training, and intervals mean that you put a strain on your heart in a way that you are not used to. For a beginner, it is enough to alternate walking with jogging. When you jog, you put strain on the body such as tendons, joints and so on, but also the heart. This strain makes you develop as a runner. An experienced runner can alternate faster running with jogging, or faster running with complete rest in order to maintain a higher pace during the intervals. The more experienced you are, the easier it is to be able to jog between the intervals, to have a difference between interval pace and jogging pace.

How long does it take to become a good runner?

– It's relative to what a good runner is - you become a runner as soon as you start running! For a beginner, it takes about 8 weeks to be able to run 3–4 km. You build up gradually and alternate jogging with walking. Start with sequences of 1 minute, then 2 minutes, 3 minutes and so on. Regularity is important! It is better to run 3 sessions a week for 52 weeks a year - than to run 5 sessions for 3 weeks and then nothing for 3 weeks, then 5 sessions in a week again. Continuity and variety in training is best, then you develop as a runner.

How do I practice my running technique and stride?

– We work a lot with running technique exercises in our running groups, which means exaggerated movements of the running technique itself. We include these exercises every week in the warm-up. This helps you develop by having your brain and nervous system sense the movements, which makes it easier for you to make the movements when you run. Our leaders also give tips and can watch you while you run. For example, shortening your strides, working more with your arms, lowering your shoulders or whatever it may be.

How do I get a better maturity?

– For example, if you want to become fast in the mile, you need to work in interval form. Depending on your goals - if you want to become faster in the mile, half-marathon or mara (editor's note), the interval length will differ slightly, but the most important thing is to vary your training as intervals will develop you. Dare to run at the speeds you want to compete at and work at the pace you want to run the mile at.

How do I run a mile in the best way?

– The classic thing is that you run a little too fast. You should have run the distance in training, and that you have a few sessions that are over the mile of about 12–15 km. Then the body gets used to the load of 10 km. Another advantage is that you run a few threshold sessions, that is, just below your lactic acid threshold. If you run the mile in 60 minutes, that is your threshold speed. Running at threshold causes you to displace the lactic acid, and that allows you to run at a higher pace with a higher heart rate without accumulating lactic acid.

Summary running the mile

  • Intervals. Train intervals, they develop you as a runner.
  • Variation. Vary your training, for example by joining a running group.
  • Threshold pass. Run a few threshold runs, just below your lactic acid threshold.
  • Longer sessions. Run longer sessions from time to time, around 12–15 km.

How should I strength train to become a better runner?

– There is a lot of research on strength training for running, but the important thing is what you are looking for in your strength training. Are you looking for a performance boost, do you want to become more explosive, stronger or are you training to stay injury-free? Runacademy has a training bank with over 100 different strength workouts on the website, where we mainly work with your own body weight as a load. We work a lot with one leg at a time because running is like that – you have one leg on the ground at a time. Otherwise, it is easy to compensate for your unevenness as you are often stronger in one hip, back or front. To maintain strength, one strength workout per week is enough. To develop, you need at least two workouts a week.

Gococo thanks its partner Runacademy – via Johanna – for the interview and all the concrete tips on running training. Do you want to join a running group? Here you can see if Runacademy is in your area!

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