New year not only means new dreams but also new goals for many. Whether it's being able to deadlift 150kg, run a mile once a week, learn French, drink more water or learn to salsa dance, it's important to be able to complete your goals. Here at Gococo, we think that setting good goals is the best way for you to live your life to the fullest. Setting goals doesn't have to be difficult or anxiety-ridden, but it should be fun! Start by thinking through what you really want to achieve this year!
To help you succeed and achieve your goal, we have thought out a little about what we think is important to think about when setting goals. As you probably already know, Gococo's founders, Annie and Linnéa, are real supporters of working with goals. After all, they have won the WC Gold in sailing by just deciding that they wanted to win the most out of everyone on the course... Or almost, but it really wasn't that simple... First, they had sailed and trained hard and focused for 25 years ;) In all these years, it has reached many small milestones along the way which ultimately laid the foundation for finally reaching the big goal - becoming the best in the world. So even though it was an extremely high goal, with focus and will over the years it was still reachable! And we just say - if we can, so can you!
Write down and rehearse your goals – One of the most important parts of achieving your goal is getting it into your mindset. Make yourself believe that you can do this. By rehearsing your goal images in your head in the morning when you wake up or before you go to sleep, you will unconsciously make your body feel that you can do this and you can do it. Another way is to write it down on paper that you place visibly by your bed or put on the fridge. Take a look at it and repeat it out loud to yourself every day. Or take it a step further, stand in front of a mirror and say it out loud to yourself. It's scary and challenging but super effective! Annie and Linnéa's own favorite is working with target images, and preferably several times a day before important competitions!
Be positive in your goals - Find a positive goal instead of a negative one by turning the negative into something positive, then you will gain something instead of losing. For example, instead of saying "I'm going to stop being so behind on Sundays that I can't leave my house" say "I'm going to brunch with my friends every Sunday". This way it will be much more fun and it will be much easier to reach your goal.
Make it achievable – Big goals don't happen overnight, whether it's winning a World Cup Gold or losing 30kg in weight. Break it down into smaller sub-goals and enable you to actually achieve your goals. By breaking down your goals, you can celebrate a little along the way and then the path to the big goal becomes easier to walk. For example, if your goal is to win the World Cup, then start by making a plan on how to do it. The first step might be to get yourself a really good coach or start doing more mental training. But be clear about your sub-goals so that you can constantly follow up and feel the success even though you haven't reached all the way to the big goal. THAN!
Let your goals be personal and determined - Your goals must be set based on yourself and no one else. Starting with an "I" makes your goals personal and gives you a greater sense of responsibility. By adding decisive and strong expressions such as "I shall", "I do" or "I am", it will be easier for you to succeed in reaching your goal.
Sharing is caring – By sharing your goals with friends, family or supportive partners, you increase your chance of succeeding in reaching your goal. It will help you keep the goal in sight and not lose your grip when the going gets tough, because the going gets tough often. A few supportive words can do the trick when you feel like you can't reach your goal. Annie and Linnéa often talk about their goals with both Gococo and sailing and are not afraid to show where they are aiming!